​​​​Collection Notice

The personal information that you provide on this form is collected by Metro Vancouver under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used for the purpose of booking and managing your school’s Metro Vancouver facility tour. The contact information you provide on the form will be shared with the contract educator team, and with the bus company (to coordinate bus pick-up and drop-off). For further information about this collection, please contact a Privacy Officer at Metro Vancouver, Metrotower III, 4515 Central Boulevard, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0C6 or 604-432-6291 or privacy@metrovancouver.org.

Contact information:

Lead teacher name *

Lead teacher's cell phone number

Lead teacher's work email *

Second teacher’s work email (if applicable)

Field trip information

Confirmed field trip date (provided in correspondence with Metro Vancouver)

Select a date from the calendar.
Name of school

School phone number

School street address, including city and postal code

Grade level(s)

How many students will be attending? (Max 30)

How many adults will be attending? (Max 3)

Is there anyone in your group with unique needs or accessibility considerations that we should be aware of?

Bus pick-up instructions
What is the earliest time the bus can pick you up?

What is the latest time the students have to be back at the school?