Welcome to the Watersheds In-Class Program Request Form

The Welcome to the Watersheds in-class program will engage students with:

  • Water cycle
  • Weather
  • Animals and plants within the watersheds
  • Natural resources in our province
  • Interconnectedness of living and non-living things
  • Water conservation

What? This program will be 60 minutes start to finish. Watershed educators will come to your classroom to facilitate this program with your students.

Who? Metro Vancouver grade 2 classes (split classes may be accommodated)

Where? At your school

When? September 16 to December 20, 2024

Requests will be processed in order of submission, starting September 5, 2024 at 8:00 am.

First Name *

Last Name *

Phone *

Email *

School District *

If "other" please specify:

Grade *

School Name *

Preferred Day of the Week

Please use a date between September 16 to December 20, 2024.

Select a date from the calendar.
Preferred Time *

Preferred/Possible start time

What do you hope to gain from participating in the Welcome to the Watersheds program? *

What areas of interest/questions do you have for water sustainability in our region. *

I understand that, to receive this free in-class program, I agree to complete a brief survey (5 minutes) following the program to provide feedback to Metro Vancouver. *
Part of this program includes slideshow and video presentations. Please confirm that our educators will be able to connect to a projector/speaker or other audio/visual equipment for this presentation. Provide any relevant details below. *

Would you like to receive the Metro Vancouver Teacher E-Newsletter? *

Collection notice:
The personal information that you provide on this form is being collected under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used for the purpose of processing booking requests for the Watersheds In-Class Program. For further information about this collection, please contact a Privacy Officer at Metro Vancouver, Metrotower III, 4515 Central Boulevard, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0C6 or 604-432-6200 or privacy@metrovancouver.org.